The Indian Land Tenure Foundation (ILTF) is a national, community-based organization serving American Indian nations and people in the recovery and control of their rightful homelands.
Our mission is to strengthen American Indian economies to support healthy Native communities. We invest in and create innovative institutions and models that strengthen asset control and support economic development for American Indian people and their communities.
If you’re a Veteran, and either you or your spouse is Native American, our Native American direct loan (NADL) program may help you get a loan to buy, build, or improve a home on Federal Trust Land.
Presented by the Northwest Bureau of Indian Affairs Realty, Housing, and Land Title and Records Office in partnership with HUD’s Office of Loan Guarantee. Presentations include current loan processing updates for 2017 and an overview of the mortgage process on tribal trust and allotted lands. Section 184 underwriters and lenders provided an overview of the lenders processing requirements from origination to closing and final issuance of the loan guarantee certificate.
Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) is the national association of community development financial institutions (CDFIs). Our network helps money flow across all 50 states to people and places where traditional finance doesn’t reach.
First Nations Oweesta Corporation’s mission is to provide opportunities for Native people to develop financial assets and create wealth by assisting in the establishment of strong, permanent institutions and programs contributing to economic independence and strengthening sovereignty for all Native communities.
Protecting the rights of Indigenous peoples to create economic development through government contracting, based upon the unique legal and political relationship between Indigenous peoples and the United States.
Founded in 1944, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) is the oldest, largest, and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization serving the broad interests of tribal governments and communities.
Through the use of monetary awards and training opportunities, the CDFI Fund’s Native Initiatives program creates jobs, builds businesses, and fosters economic self-determination in Native Communities nationwide.
A community development financial institution, or CDFI, is a specialized entity that provides lending, investments, and other financial services in economically distressed communities.
NAFOA advocates sound economic and fiscal policy, develops innovative training programs in financial management, builds the financial and economic skills of the next generation, and convenes tribal leadership, experienced professionals, and economic partners to meet the challenges of economic growth and change.
The CICD established the National Native Homeownership Coalition (NNHC) in 2016 to enhance homeownership opportunities in Native communities, especially on trust lands, by bringing together key players and systems leaders in order to resolve barriers to homeownership on trust lands. The NNHC is extensively engaged with tribal housing programs, federal agencies, housing organizations, and lenders.
Our motto is: “We Mean Business For Indian Country” as we are actively engaged in helping Tribal Nations and Native business people realize their business goals and are dedicated to putting the whole of Indian Country to work to better the lives of American Indian people- both now… and for generations to come.
The Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program is a home mortgage product specifically designed for American Indian and Alaska Native families, Alaska villages, tribes, or tribally designated housing entities. Congress established this program in 1992 to facilitate homeownership and increase access to capital in Native American Communities.
The Native CDFI Network’s mission is to be a national voice and advocate that strengthens and promotes Native community development financial institutions (CDFIs), creating access to capital and resources for Native peoples.
Resources here have been compiled by our coalition partners.
Start by finding an area that matches your role; from individual homebuyer to Tribal government. You can sort by tags within each area. Resources may be external links, PDF downloads, or contain short content.
Resources are current at time of publishing, but may change in the future.